Chocolate's info:

  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 4 years
  • Size: Small
  • Breed: Mixed Breed


Introducing... Chocolate!

About Chocolate:

Chocolate was recently brought over to Oakwood Dog Rescue after been captured and placed into a publick kill shelter in Romania. Sadly, due to no kennel spaces, it was a very long time until we could pull Chocolate from this horrendous life that she was living. The poor girl spent every day of her life terrified for approximately 2 years. It's just heartbreaking to think of the horrors that she has seen and endured.

Chocolate can not yet be handled due to being so scared however, her new friend 'Elfreda' is super human friendly and so Chocolate can often be found sat not too far away observing the interactions with great interest. This should do her the world of good at taking that first step to realsing that we are kind and she no longer needs to be scared of every one that she meets. 

With other dogs: 

Chocolate arrived only recently with another dog called Pepper. They are currenly taking much comfort in being together and we never see them apart. We have also mixed her with Elfreda and Pepper took to her straight away. The 3 of them now share our largest kennel and she seems much more content being around other dogs than being alone. 

We will soon start mixing Chocolate with more of our dogs to help her feel even safer and more relaxed.

Moderate energy

Chocolate is currenltly way too scared for us to be able to assess her true energy levels.

1-2 hours

Chocolate has never lived in a home before so time alone would need to be gradually built up. If adopted as an only dog she couldn't be left alone for more than an hour or 2 but if she was with another dog, she could be ok for up to 4-5 hours

Requires further lead training

Chocolate is a very long way off from being taught how to walk on a collar and lead. She needs to gain a lot more confidence first and build up trust with her adopter.

Training required

Chocolate has no basic training. This will all come in time once she is settled in a home and started building a bond with her adopter.

Is Chocolate your perfect match?

Click the button below to start the adoption application process!