About our Romanian Dogs
Oakwood Dog Rescue offer the kennel space to dogs that are sponsored by International Dog Rescue who have had a terrible upbringing in Romania.
As a rescue we also help UK dogs, as well as dogs abroad. To us, it doesn't matter where a dog has come from, what matters is that they deserve a chance at a forever family. We are a very small rescue based in Hull, UK that has chosen to help dogs in need, regardless of where they have come from.
We are often asked about the history of our Romanian dogs - and sadly, their history is unknown. Some of the staff have been lucky enough to work with International Dog Rescue and visit the public shelter where many of the dogs come from.
To find out more About Internation Dog Rescue and the wonderful work they do Click the button below!

The dogs are usually found on the streets or in the fields and are viewed as nuisances. Dogs are seen very differently in Romania to how they are seen in the UK. Dog catchers are paid to find dogs and catch them in any way they can... usually this involves the use of catch-poles, beatings, abuse and manhandling. Understandibly, the dogs are terrified and most have never encountered a loving human touch.

When they are taken to the public shelter they have a cattle tag pierced through their ear which has a number on to identify them. Very little information is kept on the dog. Some dogs do not survive in the shelter conditions for very long, some die from disease, starvation, dehydration and many die from being attacked by other dogs.
If they are lucky they are fed once a day, but they do not get given food in a bowl - it is thrown on the floor and it is a case of every dog for themselves. There are many fights over food as it is so sparce. Blood is shed and many are extremely skeletal. The shelter workers do not offer them any solace - they are usually frightened of the dogs and will shout at them, throw things and frighten the dogs so they can scrape the faeces off of the concrete floors.

The dogs sleep in huts that sometimes have straw in if the shelter has been given enough money from the government. There is no protection from the scorching heat in the summer, or the vicious minus degree temperatures in the winter. Dogs have to clamber over snow to get to their frozen water troughs. Nothing is clean, and infection can spread like wild fire.
Most end up trying to escape these awful conditions, and if they find a hole in the pen, they will climb and squeeze their way through to escape. Many people do not believe that these dogs are escape artists, however, it is not uncommon to see one of the dogs walking over the flimsy mesh which covers the pens, looking for escape. Some hop from pen to pen - and if they end up in an unfriendly pen, it is usually the last people see of them. Some dogs have scaled the walls of the compound that are at least 8ft tall and have escaped because they cannot bare to be kept in these conditions any longer.

We offer kennel space to these poor dogs, and they come across neutered, microchipped and fully vaccinated, we flea and treat the dogs for worms on a regular basis. As a rescue we attempt to assess the dogs as best we can - we assess how the dogs are with children, dogs and cats.
Some of these dogs are born in the shelter and have never seen a child or a cat before, and some are too nervous to live around young children. Some dogs have been traumasised so much that they do not enjoy the company of another dog. We make assessments based on the individual dog and their needs/preferences.
Before a Romanian dog enters our kennels they are tested for: Erlichia, Borelia, Heartworm, Anaplasma, Giardia, Leishmaniasis. If they test positive, they are treated and re-tested. They must be negative before they can travel.
They are vaccinated against: Distemper, Parvovirus, Influenza, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Rabies and Kennel cough.
International Dog Rescue may add to this list of conditions over time.

When adopters take on the Rommies, we ask them to be extra careful - most of these dogs have never experienced a home before. They don't know that the shouting blurry box in the corner is a television, to them it's frightening. They have never experienced stairs, tables look like a good platform to explore. Gaps and holes in the garden allow the dogs to explore the street, gardens or to trot off in search of food... Taking on an ex-street dog is not an easy road, and we ask that all of our adopters are very patient with them.
Imagine being taken into an alien environment and everyone expecting you to adjust to it quickly and understand it... It is stressful and takes time...