This is a list of items that we use on a daily basis to keep our rescue dogs clean, well fed and happy. If you can help us out by popping an extra item or two in your trolley whilst doing the weekly shop we would be very grateful.

We also accept dog crates, any other dog equipment and bedding such as towels, blankets, duvet covers and sheets (we cannot accept any duvets or pillows)

Donations can be dropped off to us every day including Christmas and Bank Holidays. Our address is 17e Lake Enterprise Park, Bergen Way, Hull, HU7 0YQ or at our charity shops or The Dog Hub during their opening times

There is a green donation bin right outside our door, please leave any donations in there for staff to collect!

We also have an Amazon Wishlist for those of you who want to help but don't live locally.

As always, thank you so much for the continued support!

We can also accept donations of items for our charity shops, raffle prizes and small furniture!

Thank you!

Poop Bags

Disinfectant/Floor Cleaner

Mops and Buckets

Indoor Sweeping Brushes

Tinned Hotdogs

Hard Cheese

Primula Cheese and Liver Paste

Dog Toys

Tennis Balls and Footballs

Leads and Collars (clip not buckle)

Any wet and dry dog food

Tasty Dog Chews  (Pigs Ears, Jerky, Paddywack etc.)

Air Freshener

Black Bin Liners

Wash Powder

Flea and Worm Treatments (Frontline, Advocate and Drontal)