Want to help our dogs but can't afford to donate any more of your own money? This page features all the ways you can help raise pennies for us for absolutely nothing! All of them are pretty easy and simple to do, they may not seem like much but it all helps towards paying our bills and caring for our dogs.
Easy Fundraising
Did you know that whenever you shop online – from your groceries to your holiday – you could be raising FREE donations for us?
There are over 4,000 shops + sites on board + it won’t cost you a penny extra to help raise funds.
Plus, once you’ve registered and raised £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give us an extra £5 bonus donation.
Thank you for your support!

Sponsored Events
Fancy running the London Marathon? Or how about the Great North Run? Ever wanted to skydive or bungee jump? Or a comical pyjama day at work or school?
We will always support and promote you in anything you would like to get sponsored for in aid of the rescue.
All sponsorship forms and leaflets about the rescue can be supplied.

Pets at Home VIP
Pets at Home have launched their new VIP membership scheme. You get exclusive deals (like 10% off voucher for signing up or £1.50 off pet food) AND the card earns you points for your chosen charity based on how much you spend. The points are turned into funds and sent to us - it's a win-win!
The card now also applies to anything you spend at Vets4Pets or Companion Care Vets!

Nominations and Competitions
We are always happy to get involved in competitions to win donations, funds or useful services.
If you spot any online or anywhere else that we could get involved in please just give us a shout.
If you see any competitions we are entered in, please support us by voting and sharing. Thank You!