Bessie's info:

  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 6 months
  • Expected Size:  Large 
  • Breed: Mixed Breed


Introducing... Bessue!

About Bessie:

Bessie was found alone as a tiny puppy on the streets of Greece.

She is a confident puppy who loves nothing more than giving her humans cuddles but she does still spook easily

With dogs:

Bessie is amazing with other dogs although she has shown a few guarding behaviours over food. If she is to be rehomed with another dog, this will need to be monitored so no issues escalate. 

All our puppies require a minumim of 6 weeks training with a behaviourist / positive reinforcement dog trainer (we are happy to help source one with you) so any issues - such as the guarding - can be worked with as she grows up into a  well rounded dog.

With cats:

Bessie has been brought up in a heavily cat populated area and is currently living with a cat in a foster home. We are happy to rehome her to a household with a cat(s).

Moderate-high energy

Bessie has shown us that in future she could become an active, potentially high-energy dog. She will require a family that is prepared to give her the exercise she needs


Bessie shouldn't be left for more than 2 hours maximum at her age. She has never been alone before (without another dog) and so she will be very worried. Any time spent alone will need to be built slowly as she will cry and howl.

Requires further lead training

Bessie is only just starting to learn how to walk on a collar and a lead. She is very scared of her surroundings and this is something her adopter will need to work on with her to slowly build her confidence with lots of positive reinforcement training.

Training required

Bessie doesn't yet know any basic commands / manners. This will need to be worked on with positive reinforcement training methods only once she has settled into her forever home. 

Is Bessie your perfect match?

Click the button below to start the adoption application process!